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Indigenous Participation

Durack Civil acknowledges the traditional custodians of Australia, the owners of the land and elders past, present and future.

We understand the importance of creating relationships and respecting the culture and traditions of Australia’s Indigenous communities. By working in partnership with local Aboriginal leaders, community organisations and business owners, we aim to establish strong local ties and build relationships that are both positive and productive. 


Instead of proposing a ‘one size fits all’ solution, we work closely with Indigenous representatives to negotiate an approach specific to each community’s culture and lifestyle. We consider consultation as a two-way process, with both parties learning together and from each other. We’re always happy to sit down with community members to establish strong local ties and ensure everyone’s happy.


We strive to diversify our workforce and provide opportunities for individuals across a range of cultural backgrounds. By offering skills training in areas such as Rural First Aid, Traffic Control and Operation Ticketing, we aim to create local employment opportunities for Aboriginal people, enhance their business skills, and improve the social and economic conditions of Indigenous communities.